About Us

The business world is always in need of financial assistance, from the sole trader, entrepreneur to the large corporations. Proper management of finances is the foundation of all businesses.  Businesses can fail not due to a bad product or service but bad financial management.  Cash may be king but poor management of it can lead to business failure. Record keeping is a must but is often neglected for many different reasons until it is needed.

The founders of H&H created the business to help businesses achieve success by providing sound business advice and the production of relevant financial statements to assist them in their decision making.  Let years of experience in the fields of accounting, information technology and retail services work for you.  Extensive experience in the areas of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, asset management, computer programming, database management and supermarket management awaits you.

Once you have indicated your willingness to engage our services, our team will perform a comprehensive assessment of your business relevant to the particular area and present a detailed proposal and implementation plan, including service, cost and transaction details.